Stella Hondros - Life and leadership coach to inspire and motivate you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

Hello, My Friend…

I have a feeling you are here because you desire change.

You are ready to follow your heart and have more joy in your life. To reconnect with your true authentic self and have the life you have always dreamed of.

Best of all, you are excited to become the best version of yourself, accept who you are (flaws and all), and become a brighter light in the world as a shining example for others to follow.


While you desire those beautiful things… if you are anything like I was many years ago, you also realize that making it happen is not easy.

I bet a few things are getting in the way:

  • Do you feel stuck, lost, not sure about what you want the next chapter of your life to look like?

  • Are you in the middle of a major life change, and you are not sure what to do?

  • Are you living for everyone else, weighed down by what you have to do, never having time for what you really want to do?

  • Do you feel held back by fear, self-doubt, lack of confidence, or making a mistake, so you do nothing and feel even more frustrated?

You have tried SO HARD to create change, but nothing has worked.

You are tired, frustrated, and ready to stop the insanity. (Doing the same thing yet expecting different results)

You are ready for HELP!

I get it.

You are not alone.

Those things held me back for years too, but I was able to overcome them.

Eventually I became unstoppable just like you desire.

And now it is my mission to help you do the same.


Hi, I’m Stella

I empower mid-life women to rediscover their magic within and create more joy in their lives.

I am here to be your guide on the journey of looking inward, reconnecting with yourself, and discovering your inner power to feel more whole and unstoppable.

As you peel back all of the old layers of fear, regret, limitations, and negative beliefs, you will become empowered to step fully into your own unique inner magic.

When you are finally able to tap into YOUR inner magic, you can become your true authentic self and live your dream life.




How I Got Here:

My whole adult life, mentors and coaches have always played a major role, inspiring and positively influencing me.  Personally, I have gone through many life-changing events: divorce, moving and starting over, job changes, infertility, health challenges, and retirement. While some of these events were positive, they also brought stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed.

During and after these events, I had the privilege of working with some wonderful coaches that helped me adjust and embrace change. Their vision, support and encouragement helped me overcome my fears, and take positive new steps that transformed my life.

My own successful 20+ year career began in the corporate world of international transportation and logistics. My corporate experience in global sales and management offered me the opportunity to mentor and coach many individuals and teams, and I found this was my true passion and calling.

My natural coaching abilities have intersected with my passion to help others reconnect with their inner magic, and have created brilliant outcomes for my clients.

I just love what I do!


My Wake-Up Moment

It was not always like this for me.

After I retired from a long, global sales career, I felt somewhat lost and unsure of my next steps.  My fast-paced life of daily conference calls, deadlines, international travel, and high stress had abruptly stopped.

Adjusting to this new lifestyle change was much harder than I anticipated, as my identity had been so entrenched in my work.

I had lost touch with the real me, and it was important to reconnect with my passions, dreams, and wishes before focusing on the future. 

After much reflection, I came to a decision that this point in my life would not be an end of a dream, but the beginning of a new one.  It was a turning point for me and an opportunity to reinvent myself, reconnect with who I was, and actually visualize my new future.

I realized that I truly had the power to change my life in a new direction, and it was all up to me to do it.

Moving forward, I did not want to have any regrets, so I gave myself permission to live my best life. Knowing how important mentors and coaches were in my own life, I knew that becoming a coach was a natural and perfect next step for me in my future.  It allowed me to also pay forward and support others to live their best lives too.


The Inner Work

This turning point led me on a new journey to become a Life and Transition Coach. I became a trained Certified Professional Coach with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), which is accredited with the International Coach Federation.  

Today I work with my clients to help them:

  • Reconnect with their lost self to release limiting beliefs and any inner blocks holding them back. 

  • Identify their own triggers and how to deal with them powerfully.

  • Bring new awareness. Reflect back on their childhood dreams and what brought them joy back then.

  • Use creative techniques to reconnect and bring new energy, inspiration and gratitude in their life.

  • Create a new, positive, and unstoppable mindset.

  • Feel more whole in mind, body, and spirit.

  • Have more joy, happiness, and a greater purpose than they ever thought possible.

My Process is Simple

The methodology I created works from within to bring that inner magic out and allows you to make positive sustainable changes toward lasting joy and fulfillment.

The first step would be for you to take my Magic Rediscovery Assessment. This will help identify your current energy and mindset.

Afterwards, we would have an assessment debrief where we focus on your specific goals, dreams, and how to get there.  It is a process that builds new awareness, inner trust as well as inner strength. 

Click here to learn more.

I’m excited to partner together to explore new possibilities and choices toward greater personal fulfillment, and to create your own success and new dream life!