Let’s get started!

My service offerings include both Individual one-on-one private sessions, as well as Corporate Core Energy Coaching sessions.

Corporations today are investing more in their valuable employees in order to keep them happy, healthy, as well as productive.

Especially in today’s more virtual environment, it’s a great way for companies to maintain talent!

All services are currently done via Zoom or by phone.

See details of both programs below:


Magic Rediscovery Package

We’ll start out with your Magic Rediscovery assessment to learn more about your current mindset to gain insight into any inner blocks that might be holding you back from moving forward.

Based on these results, we will deep dive into your specific goals and together we’ll customize a plan to tap into your unique “inner magic.”

These confidential sessions will also be your space to express thoughts and release any fears holding you back from achieving more happiness, your life goals and dreams!

  • Magic Rediscovery Assessment

  • (9) 60-minute Private Coaching Sessions

  • Unlimited Email & Text Support Between Sessions

Schedule a Complimentary Manifest your Magic Discovery Session below to get started.

Corporate - Core Energy Coaching

Individual one-on-one, & Small-group Core Energy Coaching sessions offered to build self-awareness, better communication, and leadership by learning the power of Mindset and Core Energy.

I also offer Energy Leadership Index Assessments ( ELI ), which is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life.

This valuable assessment and follow-up debrief showcases how employees can leverage their Energy to reshape their attitudes and mindset to create more Happy, Productive and Successful lives!

Contact me to inquire about Corporate Coaching Sessions and Energy Leadership Index assessments.