Embracing Change


When I received my retirement package in late 2018, I wasn't sure what my next steps were. As a Global Sales director, I was used to high stress, high-energy living, along with international travel, daily conference calls and deadlines. Now, I wasn’t busy at all. What a change!

After a few months, I realized this change was much harder than I’d anticipated and I needed some time to decompress and adjust to my new lifestyle.

I booked a three week vacation to Greece! Sitting on the beautiful beaches of Kalamata, I started to think about my future. I thought about the things I really loved to do, the things for which I had a true passion.

My thoughts kept coming back to mentoring other leaders. Knowing how important mentors were in my own life, I knew that becoming a coach was a natural and perfect step for me.

I returned from that vacation truly refreshed, invigorated and ready for my next life journey!

If we embrace change and really think about how it can benefit us, we can get through anything. We can transform it into something better.

If you want to talk about a change you are experiencing right now, please reach out.

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