How to Reconnect with Your Authentic Self


In five years time, I went through some pretty major life changes: a job change, divorce and retirement. I felt a little lost and unsure of my next step in life. I realized I had lost touch with the real me. Who was the real Stella? What were my passions? Where was the life full of dreams and wishes? What could I do so I could focus on the future and look forward to it?

I started taking small steps doing the things I loved. I volunteered as a dog walker at a local shelter, learned reiki, took dance lessons, read books, learned to meditate and exercise my body and reconnected with old friends. It really is the simple things that make such a difference.

Doing those things, along with seeking coaching and spiritual healing allowed me to face my fears, deal with past gremlins and find me again. The real me. It takes time to rediscover who you are and living your passions is vital for your wellbeing as you continue on your life journey.

If you are finding yourself in a similar position and have gone through life changes that have caused you to relook at your future, please reach out to me for guidance and support.

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